Thursday, February 14, 2013

Excecution of SLEUTH

SLEUTH is a Cellular Automata based urban growth model allows you to simulate the historic urban growth of cities. This model is tested world-wide. 

Indian Geospatial Education and Training

Good news to the Newbies in Geo-informatics/Geo-spatial science. Department of Science and Technology (DST) of Government of India(GOI) has initiated a project in collaboration with Institute of Environment Education and Research, Bharati Vidyapeet University to develop India's first and unique web-portal to promote Geo-spatial Education in India. The web-portal contains tutorials and guides of GIS, Remote sensing, Web GIS, Spatial analysis, Customization and GIS modelling. All tutorials are developed by using open source GIS and RS software viz., Quantum GIS, SAGA, OpenGeo Suite and ILWIS. It also facilitaes online certification. In my opinion, this web-portal is very needful for those who want to self learn and explore their knowledge. BVIEER has an excellent track record in completion of projects. We can exect a beta version of website by this April 2013. Thanks to DST and BVIEER.